Jamie Blackley Totally Freaked Out Over Meeting The 1975's Matt Healy

Considering how he completely sells it as rebellious rock star Adam Wilde in the upcoming film If I Stay, British actor Jamie Blackley has never been a member of a real band.

"I've kind of been playing [guitar] since I was about 12, and I've always kind of liked singing songs. It's something that I've always done by myself; I've never really been in bands or anything," he told Top 20 Countdown host Katie Van Buren.

But despite his lack of an official music career, Blackley is still an avid fan of certain groups and their standout frontmen—and even admitted to fanboying over The 1975's Matt Healy, whom he met in the middle of London one day.

"I've always been interested in frontman, anyway. Just because they almost kind of conduct a crowd with what they're doing. I love Matt Healy from The 1975; I think he's great. I bumped into him on Oxford Street, and I was like, 'Oh, my god!' ... I was just, like, shaking," the 23-year-old recalled.

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