Taking Back Sunday Discuss Emo, Porn & Give Advice to Young Bands

In this Fuse News exclusive, Taking Back Sunday sit down with host Katie Van Buren to discuss the tour food, porn, the future and more.

TBS have long been associated with the emo genre. When asked about the so-called "revival" of the word, guitar John Nolan exclaims, "We didn't know what it was! We didn't know there was an emo revival. I don't know... no one is sure, really." 

Frontman Adam Lazzara adds, "I have always looked at ourselves as a rock band. We haven't stopped so there is nothing to revive! That would assume something would have to die."

Taking Back Sunday started when the guys were teenagers, and a lot has changed... mostly their diets. "You eat one meal a day and it is Taco Bell or something like that," Nolan recalls. 

The conversation shifts towards the future. Lazzara dreams big: "[In 10 years] we would do a 14-run sold out Madison Square Garden thing and then we would take three months off and then do it again."

Van Buren then asks a series of left field questions, including if the band would ever consider scoring a porno. "It would take a lot of money," Nolan considers. "I would also have to buy a Wawa pedal... Bom-chicka-wah-wah!"

They conclude with advice to young bands. Lazzara offers, "Be cool! I think it covers the whole spectrum and here's why: being cool could mean you're meeting somebody new so you're just gonna put your best face forward. You just gotta be nice."

Nolan agrees, "Don't be a jerk."

We won't!