Indie Pop Rockers Never Shout Never on New LP & Hardcore Side Project

Even as Never Shout Never cross the country on the Warped Tour, the Missouri pop-rock outfit are hard at work on new material.

The trio will release their new LP Sunflower on July 2—less than eight months after their album Indigo dropped last November. They're also prepping a new record for their hardcore side project Eatmewhileimhot. Plus, vocalist Christofer Drew Ingle is recording solo material inspired by "refined music, like smooth jazz, light reggae, funk and soul."

"We don't want to be stuck in a niche and feel like we're limiting ourselves," Ingle says of the band's hardcore work ethic. "We like to pump out an album when we have one. We love being in the studio. We're already getting antsy to do another one. It doesn't take long for us to be bored."

Never Shout Never's frontman also dished on his rough 2012, including an arrest for marijuana possession and a much-publicized dispute with popular music blogger, BryanStars, who was left crying after Ingle called his questions "bullsh-t" and left mid-interview.

"Honestly, I thought the world was going to end. I told myself that so I could party and not worry," Ingle says of 2012 (aka the year that proved ancient Mayan's prophecies false). "I was still really happy, I just stopped caring a little too much. Now that 2012 is over I've taken a step back. I'm thinking about things that really matter."

Watch the full interview above and check out all of Fuse's Warped Tour coverage here.

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