Are Foster the People Collaborating with the Beach Boys?

Foster the People and the Beach Boys go all the way back to this year's GRAMMY Awards, when the two bands joined forces on stage. We spoke to Foster the People at Bonnaroo and they talked about how the Beach Boys asked them to collaborate and how they didn't think twice about it!

They thought, "We're playing with the Beach Boys—we need to start to practice!" The band's favorite thing about playing with the Beach Boys is "hanging out backstage and listening to their stories about hanging out with the Beatles and the Rolling Stones. Just crazy pop culture information. These guys just lived it."

They were hanging out with Beach Boy Bruce Johnston in San Diego and he said, "I remember when I played Pet Sounds for Lennon and McCartney for the first time and then they played Rubber Soul for me, before they'd been released." Wish I could have been a fly on the wall for that.

They spent a lot of their free time during GRAMMY week with the band too. "By the end of the GRAMMY week they felt like uncles of ours," said the band. They continued, "And one of them hit on Mark Foster's mom! We can't say which one." Mark understands: "My mom was in the house and my mom's a good-lookin' mom so I totally get it."

And after Foster told the Beach Boys that his first concert had been seeing their band, they suggested Foster open for them at the venue where he'd seen them when he was seven years old. "And we should collaborate too! We should do something in the studio," said the Beach Boys. Awesome.

So watch the video above for more on Foster the People and the Beach Boys! And watch this video to hear them talking about their collaboration with Taylor Swift, and you can also check out the video below to see the second part of the interview.

Don't forget to check out all of our Bonnaroo 2012 coverage for more interviews, photos and news.

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