Interview: Kerry King Of Slayer On New Album, Out September 11 2015

Classic heavy-metallers and internationally-known targets of parental-hate Slayer aren't exactly the first band that comes to mind when you think of Bonnaroo Music and Arts Festival, —and rightfully so— but guitarist Kerry King wasn't worried about it when the band landed in Manchester for their first-ever appearance at the former hippie gathering. "I know the typical Bonnaroo band is nothing like Slayer, but it's gonna be quite devastated when we get done," Kerry commented an hour after getting off the bus.

Slayer are midway through a taxing tour itinerary that sees few breaks between now and the end of November as they prep legions of decades-long supporters for the release of their twelfth studio album, Repentless, out September 11th of this year. Interestingly, Repentless marks the return of drummer Paul Bostaph whose last album with the band was the 2001 release, God Hates Us All, also released coincidentally on September 11th of that year.

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