Pornhub, the biggest brand in the sphere of free, YouTube-style sexy-time video sites, has opened its own Sexual Wellness Center online. You can get to the safe-for-work page at the potentially misleading URL The free resource is led by director Dr. Laurie Betito, who, in the intro video below, says she’s “teamed up with Pornhub to create a place where information pertaining to the physical, psychological, and even the most intimate aspects of sex, is available to all.”
Pornhub’s Sexual Wellness Center will be populated by experts and professionals. Among the current contributors are Sophia Banks, a transgender community leader, and a number of doctors, including Dr. Stacy Friedman, a sex coach, and Dr. Bryant Paul, a professor at Indiana University Media School. The site is already populated with articles about bodies, reproductive health and STDs. The first pieces under the Relationships and Real Talk verticals include “What Happens at Play Parties? Notes from a Study,” “What Is Consent?” and “Top Erotic Positions for Lesbians.”