Nu-Metal Heroes Rammstein Are Suing Germany

FUSE TV - Nu-Metal Heroes Rammstein Are Suing Germany

When Rammstein aren't "Du Hast"-ing and lighting themselves on fire, they're apparently getting censored in their native land. In 2009, their album Liebe Is Für Alle Da (in English, There’s Enough Love For Everyone,) was on a government agency's watch list and the gang were forced to destroy 85,000 copies of the record. Seven years later, the band wants what's owed to them and are suing the German government for €66,000, roughly $75,000, according to Deutsche Welle.

The German agency, Bundesprüfstelle Für Jugendgefährdende Medien (which translates to the Federal Department For Media Harmful To Young Persons), puts "harmful" art on an "index." And once something makes the index, it's not allowed to be distributed or advertised or, like, enjoyed. Liebe Is Für Alle Da was on the list for half a year before its status was deemed unlawful.

According to one report, the agency had taken offense to the song “Ich Tu Dir Weh” (“I’ll Hurt You”), arguing that it glorified violence and unsafe sex in lyrics like these: “Bites, kicks, heavy blows, nails, pincers, blunt saws—tell me what you want.”

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