Go Inside The Pretty Reckless' "Going to Hell" Video With Taylor Momsen

Fuse recently caught up with The Pretty Reckless singer Taylor Momsen who told us all about the metal band's latest single, "Going to Hell," and its just-released music video.

On the sinister inspiration behind the song, Taylor said, "I've done all these things, I've toured the world, I've seen all these sins and horrible things going around. And I have to tell you about it." So, naturally, the "Going to Hell" video is based on the seven deadly sins.

"I worked closely with our director, Tim Mattia. It's based around the seven deadly sins and these kind of crazy vignettes and exaggerated versions of these sins, done artistically. Whether they'll look like sins to you or not, who knows, but there's definitely some interesting footage that I would check out," Taylor told us.

Check out those sins she's talking about in The Pretty Reckless' "Going to Hell" video below—no worries, they're SFW sins—and hear more from Taylor in our interview above.

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